Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cuzzin Kainas Cream Dream Puddin Perfection Banana Bonanza

Acces denied for my second bowl. Lahiki said it was off limits till after dinner haha. So i went to the kitchen to make some more puddin only to find out that all the coconut had been used. I had a flash of genius that comes in those times when my resourcefulness is requested to carry out my endeavors. Thank God for ADVOCADOS!!!! and all the wonderful fruit.

A conversation I had with Kaina came to mind where he had told me about his puddin he made using advocados. We had tried using advocado in pudding and for some reason preferred the coconut recipe. Being all out of coconut i decided to try again using avocados and bananas. i threw in maple syrup to taste and carob powder till it got dark chocolaty looking. The creamy texture amazed me , it was just like puddin! And the color i got after adding the maple syrup and carob looked dark as if i were actually eating chocolate pudding!

Stoked! When raw food can look and taste just as good as cooked food why go back? Thanks to Kaina for ending my depenancy on coconut to make pudding! Pudding for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Warning: Maple syrup isnt raw. It can get addicting too, not to mention expensive. Which gets me to thinking ; agave might be a good substitute.

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